Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Explanation of the Nullifiers of Islam (Bahasa Inggris)

Explanation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The Nullifiers of Islam – like many of the writings of al-Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (rahimahu-llah) – though small in size, is great in benefit. It’s subject is of the utmost importance to each and every Muslim: i.e. those matters, whether speech, action or beliefs, which cause someone to go out of the fold of Islam [after having entered it]. The author has only listed ten of those things which nullify someone’s Islam, focusing upon those which are the most dangerous and those which most commonly occur. Though the author has only mentioned the evidence for these nullifiers in brief, additional evidences, notes and tafseer have been taken from various commentaries of those who have written explanations of this very important essay by Shaykh Abdur-Ra’uf Shakir in his explanation.


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